Do personality factors affect the knowledge-sharing behaviors of university students in Oman? An empirical study
Purpose: Investigating how personality traits affect knowledge-sharing behaviors among university students was the goal of this study conducted in Oman. The study aimed to investigate how interaction and cooperation affect learning outcomes and pinpoint obstacles to effective information sharing.
Methodology: To collect data for this study, 200 students from various higher education institutions in Oman participated in quantitative surveys. It was determined whether the constructs and path linkages were valid using structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The study's objective was to use statistical methods to analyze and assess the relationships between variables.
Findings: Consciousness and agreeability significantly impact how Oman University students behave when sharing knowledge. The relationship between extraversion, neuroticism, openness, and knowledge-sharing has no effect on knowledge-sharing behavior. Personality factors play a role in shaping student knowledge-sharing behaviors.
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