Are placements effective? Employers’ viewpoint

Zenon Wiśniewski, Jarosław Sobek


The articleattempts to assessplacements organised forthe unemployedas seen from the perspective ofemployers in agriculturaldistrictswith a developedtouristfunctionin the kujawsko-pomorskie province. The study covered 158employers that organised placements in the time period 2008-2012. As a result, the thesis thatemployers considerplacementsas an effectiveinstrument oflabour market policies was verified positively.This result, however, cannot constitute a basis forbroadergeneralizations, since netemployment effectivenessanalysesindicatethat placementsare characterized by a relativelylowefficiency. A full assessment ofthe effectiveness ofplacementson local labour marketsrequiresfurtherevaluation studies.


unemployment, training, practice


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Print ISSN: 1643-8175, Online ISSN: 2451-0955, DOI prefix: 10.19197, Principal Contact: