Application of AHP method for optimal selection of the IT system supporting business operations in the logistics enterprise

Anna Baj-Rogowska


The main objective of this paper is to solve the multicriteria decision problem consisting in optimal selection of the best software for supporting logistics operations in an enterprise. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based procedure has been used in this paper which selects a decision alternative for the problem considered. As a result, a solution that satisfies the decision-maker has been determined.
The paper consists of three parts. The first one includes an overview of IT systems supporting the logistics management in a company. Then a theoretical background of the Analytic Hierarchy Process is presented as the basis for deliberations contained in the third part, which offers a way to solve the problem of IT system selection that can be used by any logistics company.


decision-making, analytic hierarchy process, AHP, IT, IT systems in logistics

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