Business model inconsistency as a symptom of the crisis in the company

Tadeusz Falencikowski


This article aims at searching for the answer to the question: can the coherence of the business model be of use in the early warning of the upcoming crisis?

In order to achieve this objective, the definition and the concept of the business model were formulated, as well as its structure was depicted. It was indicated as necessary to measure the external, internal and overall correlation of the business model, and the reference point should be the coherence optimum of business models. If a coherence measure indicates the deviation from the adopted business model optimum, it can be interpreted as the occurrence of incoherence, which is a symptom of the crisis.


business model, coherence business models, firm’s crisis


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Print ISSN: 1643-8175, Online ISSN: 2451-0955, DOI prefix: 10.19197, Principal Contact: