Development of logistics infrastructure in the functional zone of Tri-city agglomeration in the context of demographic changes

Grażyna Chaberek-Karwacka, Aleksandra Cicharska


The aim of this paper is to analyze sufficiency of pace and directions of logistics infrastructure development in the context of demographic changes being observed in the functional zone of Tri-city Agglomeration. Twelve administrative units approved by the Spatial Management Plan of Pomorskie Voivodship which constitute the functional area of Tri-city Agglomeration have been subjected to the analysis over the period 1995-2014. The analysis has shown that the pace of logistics infrastructure development is much slower than the pace of the population growth. However, some positive changes are observed in this matter which influence relatively fast development of communities comprising the functional zone of the agglomeration.


logistics infrastructure, demographic changes, Tri-city Agglomeration, Tri-city metropolitan area, Pomorskie Voivodship, suburbanization

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