Modelling of the key areas of Positive Organizational Potential as a manifestation of positive management paradigm operationalization

Marek Jacek Stankiewicz


Positive Organizational Potential (POP) is defined as a specific state and configuration of organization’s resources which support shaping positive organizational culture and positive organizational climate, which in turn stimulate people commitment to activity directed at a development of the whole organization. Within the POP some resources and their specific deposits have significant importance for the whole POP system and for its final result – development of the organization. They may be called Key Areas of POP (KAPOP). In the paper – on the basis of empirical research outcome – KAPOP were identified, as well as their desirable states, from the point of view of organization’s development, have been described. The paradigm of positive management leads to such states and development.


Positive Organizational Potential, organizational culture, organizational climate, employees behaviours, organization’s development

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