Systems of remuneration and motivation on the example of employees of internal hospital pharmacies in Poland – study results
In 1991, a process of profound changes in financing and organisational empowerment of health care institutions in Poland was initiated. Functions of supplying with funds (the payer, i.e. the health insurance institution) were taken over by Health Insurance Funds (later the National Health Fund). As a rule, the issues of remuneration and motivation in hospitals are governed by the remuneration regulations. However, the hospital’s regulations offer some possibilities to managing persons (directors/managers of hospitals) in the development of systems related to increasing the motivation of its employees.
The main objective of this article is to identify and assess the systems of motivation of employees of internal pharmacies in public hospitals in Poland. The article formulates the desired directions of changes in this regard.
The survey method were used. A total of 60 people employed at hospital pharmacies took part in the study.
The results of research indicate the functioning of traditional systems of remuneration among pharmacists (pharmacy managers and employees) in hospitals. The internal structure of remuneration of employees is not very fragmented and employee engagement and motivation of employees are clearly smaller here.
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