Logistical aspects of competitiveness kujawsko-pomorskiego resulting from the revitalization of an International Waterway E-40

Iwona Wasielewska-Marszałkowska


This article presentsboththe conditionsandthe expectedbenefits in terms ofincreasing the competitivenessof the kujawsko-pomorskie a result ofthe plannedmodernization ofthe International Waterway E-40. Presents the essenceand importance ofthe sustainable development policyof the EU, in relation toinland waterways.Emphasized the need toimplementthe concept andlogistics solutionstoits actionsin favor ofthe planned International Waterway E-40.


logistics, transport, competitiveness


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Print ISSN: 1643-8175, Online ISSN: 2451-0955, DOI prefix: 10.19197, Principal Contact: tbr@wsb.torun.pl