Knowledge Transfer In Poland And Portugal (CLOSING Phase) - Summary Of Cotrans Project
The transfer of knowledge is a dynamic phenomenon. It creates knowledge in the organization and can be considered as the basis for implementing the complex process of continuous learning. It constitutes a permanent relation between the science and business and is a fundamental element which improves the latter’s efficiency.
The aim of the paper is both to identify the enablers and barriers of knowledge transfer in selected EU countries and present a model of knowledge transfer elaborated during two years of COTRANS project realization.
The structured interview method is used in the paper as well as comparative analysis method. The research was conducted in 2016, among 54 IT, medical and tourist enterprises from Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Italy. The paper presents part of the results. The additional part of the paper is a potential model presentation with a list of recommendations how to make the knowledge transfer between academia and business effective, that was the main goal of the international project COTRANS (Conditionings of Knowledge Transfers and Innovative Activity of Enterprises).
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