A case-based model for assessing the readiness of IT organizations for agile transformation
The aim of the article is to present a model for assessing the readiness of IT organizations to support decision-making processes in organizational transformations. The issues of agile transformation (AT) and the need to change these organizations in the era of changing conditions of modern business were presented at the beginning. The need to use adequate metrics, methods and models to support these processes was indicated. The assumptions for building the model were presented, pointing out the complexity of the transformation processes and the need to use modeling methods adequate to this complexity. Therefore, after discussing process and object-oriented modeling as well as those based on flows, the Case-Based Reasoning modeling method, which was used to build the AT process support model, was presented. The next chapter presents the transformation process support model developed by the authors. The processes of building the model and the possibilities of its use for organizations undergoing AT processes are shown. The summary of the article describes the verification processes of the developed model and recommendations for project managers to use this model to support AT.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.19197/tbr.v23i2.373
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