Labour market in Poland and European Union in 2009-2011

Mariusz Florczyk


Current economic circumstances have been dominated by changeability and turbulence. In consequence, the crisis phenomena – being the result of the market’s unpredictability – move between certain countries with an increasing intensity and, as the most explicit and fastest, the crisis’ first signals appear
on labour markets. The effects of world’s economy breakdown in 2008-2009 were the reason of the necessity for most European countries to confront
the alarming growth of essential market indicators. This occurrence influenced the increase of interest related to the issue of creating a more flexible labour market and, in connection to that, a comprehensive political strategy, which would enable to challenge the crisis’ impact on employment and social life.

The purpose of this article is an attempt to present and compare the values of the most important indicators concerning the situation on the Polish and European Union’s labour market during the post-crisis time (2009-2011). On the basis of that, the directions of activities taken in this period to prevent the effects of world crisis and favour mitigating dangerous tendencies were being discussed.


crisis, labour market, state policy, employment policy, labour market policy, market indicators, labour market flexibility, flexible forms of work, flexicurity


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Print ISSN: 1643-8175, Online ISSN: 2451-0955, DOI prefix: 10.19197, Principal Contact: