CSR and A woman: Potential Applicants’ Expectations Of CSR And Gender Differences
Companies are increasingly paying attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) as they expect it to affect their attractiveness as an employer. However, the question is whether prospective applicants expect social responsiveness from a future employer, and how gender differences affect those expectations. The purpose of this study was to identify expectations that potential applicants have of CSR from a prospective employer, and how gender differences affect applicants’ expectations. Using a sample of 153 business students, the study reveals that gender differences matter. The results demonstrate higher CSR expectations of a prospective employer among women. The results are statistically important for such CSR aspects as: fair employee evaluation process, support for additional education, full information to customers, contributions to charities, and treatment of the environment. Additionally, the findings reveal the proportion of women to men expecting a total CSR from a prospective employer, and this proportion is 5:1.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.19197/tbr.v16i3.128
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